So this being my first post, why not a better topic than, boobs.
Today in my child psych class we found out that PETA is trying to get Ben and Jerry's to use breast milk in their products instead of cow milk..... Vermontians are out there in their ways of thinking, but i don't think they're that radical that they'd make the switch.
PETA, an animal rights and vegetarian organization known for outrageous stunts, sent a letter to company co-founders Ben Cohen and Jerry Greenfield on Tuesday saying consumers and cows would benefit from a switch to human breast milk."The breast is best!" wrote PETA Executive Vice President Tracy Reiman in the letter to the company. "Won't you give cows and their babies a break and our health a boost by switching from cow's milk to breast milk in Ben & Jerry's ice cream?"
I just thought that this was a hillarious topic, apparently we're hurting these cows... by milking them...
what else would we do with them.... open a petting zoo?
Adults were not made to drink breast milk, thats for people with weird fettishes, and people with Oedipus complex.
When i heard about it, it freaked me out, and made me uneasy.
"We applaud PETA's creative approach to bring attention to an issue, but we also believe that a mother's milk is best used by a child,"said Rob Michalak, a spokesperson at the company's corporate offices in South Burlington.
I think people should get their shit together, this is weird.
There's more than meets the eye.
I think you need to consider the fact that humans are the only animal that consume milk beyond infancy. Cow's milk is unnatural and creepy, too. It's fat from an anmal's breast, that is meant for calves. Would you drink monkey milk, or rat milk? I didn't think so. PETA are trying to make a point, and if you think that milking cows doesn't "hurt" them, or our environment - you need to do a bit more research.
Kimberley Busbridge
I think you need to consider the fact that humans are the only animal that consume milk beyond infancy. Cow's milk is unnatural and creepy, too. It's fat from an anmal's breast, that is meant for calves. Would you drink monkey milk, or rat milk? I didn't think so. PETA are trying to make a point, and if you think that milking cows doesn't "hurt" them, or our environment - you need to do a bit more research.
Kimberley Busbridge
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